Online self-paced course enabling you to create a Dreamwalking® Action Plan to manifest your desired destiny

"Studies indicate that 90% of people who start a business do so without a dream plan, which is precisely why approximately 20% of small businesses fail in their first year."

~ Sonia Jackson Myles

If you are a coach, speaker, author or small business owner, then you have probably been out there sharing your talents, attending classes and events, giving your time and energy to your calling and at the end of the day, you go to bed frustrated and feeling like a failure. You’ve struggled to stay inspired because your income doesn’t match your efforts.  Or perhaps you are working for someone else and have dreams of promotion or excelling in your career. You may have aspirations for figuring out your “next.” If this sounds like you, I have good news for you.

I am Sonia Jackson Myles, affectionately known by my clients as the Destiny Designer. I have spent the greater part of my life working my way up the corporate ladder, ultimately reaching a place where I was managing billions of dollars for a Fortune 100 company. I had the lifestyle, the income and I was enjoying all of the trappings of success. From the outside, it looked as though I had it all, but deep down in the core of my soul, I was pining for something more.

After business school, I did what I thought were all the right things I needed to do in order to achieve my dreams. I enjoyed my job and my team, but knew that I also had another purpose for my life. While it’s not my intention to say that everyone must quit their job to follow their destiny, I knew it was mine. I believe, in order to live full out, fulfilled and with an unparalleled sense of joy, you must ensure that you are using your gifts and talents, with whatever you decide to pursue.

Designing your destiny can happen in your current role! Whatever my clients’ desire, I am here to give them strategies that assist with “showing up” engaged and ready for their next level of excellence.



Designing My Destiny

I was speaking to so many amazing people all over the world, sharing my journey, my life, my story. My message was empowering people to go from fear to faith and as I began Dreamwalking in my own purpose, it wasn’t long after that when I published my first book “The Sister Accord: 51 Ways To LOVE Your Sister.” I knew I was on to something big because the global response to the book was amazing!  As a result, I began to have greater clarity regarding how my words and movement were transforming people’s lives.

My "Aha" Moment

I was on stage presenting at The Disney® Dreamers Academy in Orlando, FL and realized that I no longer could talk to people about bringing their dreams to life and moving from being comfortable to being courageous if I was still holding on to what I felt was the “security blanket.” I have always believed in operating with integrity so talking without acting felt like I wasn’t being true to my own words. I knew that I had to learn how to Dreamwalk, which I defined as moving my dream from my heart, to my head, to my hands and ultimately to my feet where I was walking in my purpose and truly designing my destiny!

The Turning Point

I had so many people asking how I brought my dream to life that I knew I had to share my strategies, my ideas and my challenges to help my sisters and brothers go farther faster. I knew I was being called to help them design their destiny with a sense of urgency and laser-like focus! The rest is history….

So Why Am I Sharing This Now?

I believe that the real epidemic we face as a world today is DREAM PHOBIA! We have simply lost sight of our dreams! We are either playing small for others or playing it safe for ourselves! So much so that we have become fearful of the ridicule we will face as a result of sharing and pursuing our DREAMS!


After witnessing this time and time again with my clients, I knew I was called to take action for the greater good of all.

Thus the Dreamwalking®
Course was Born!

I have put together a unique set of strategies that are now being used all over the globe to empower employees of organizations and students who have either stopped dreaming or are unsure how to bring them to life. I’m thrilled to also have celebrity clients who are committed to taking their dreams to the next level!

Even the most successful world leaders understand the importance of Dreamwalking as a roadmap to their ultimate vision!

In the Dreamwalking 6 Module Self-Paced Course You Will:



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Years of Experience
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